How can westerners be this dumb? Its the most obvious propaganda ever! Oh yes, random people outside a window are CCP agents! And everyone is just nodding along and giving Gold to this obvious CIA shill all while screaming that “Reddit is controlled by CCP this will soon be censored!!!1111”

  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    102 years ago

    Lol i love the dreary music. First of all, these are CCP agents because what exactly? Even if they were, what does that prove?

    Chinese officials are more than correct in being weary about westerners coming over and taking whatever footage they want and taking things out of context. Hell, they literally did it here. The dreary music and the toned down color scale was just chef’s kiss.

    • @SaddamHussein24OP
      92 years ago

      I agree with you. However just for clarity, the guy who recorded this video is actually based, hes a south african vlogger who visited Xinjiang and showed the truth, very honest man. It was Winston Sterzel aka SerpentZA (famous proapartheid racist afrikaner sexpat) who took the original video and made this awful edit, using it to accuse the original vlogger of “working for the CCP”.

  • loathesome dongeater
    92 years ago

    Nuts account. A Canadian Sikh that writes comments in English, Turkic, Chinese, but also sounds informed about Punjabi as well. I scrolled through their posts for what seemed like ages but the posting was incessant that I only got to their activity from two days ago. Not sure what to make of it.