it takes effort to be this much of an anti union petit bourgeois shill

  • AverageUlyanovFan
    2 years ago

    It only takes 10% of workers to initiate a Fair Pay Agreement in an industry.

    Don’t like the sound of your pay and work conditions being taken out of your hands?

    Then join them for fuck’s sake. Your boss is only hiring you because he gets more in profits than spends in your salary. The more of you are squeezing them capitalist pigs, the more coin you get to take back for yourself. Why tf are you still here?

  • KiwiProle
    2 years ago

    I mean the FPA framework is shoddy as fuck (I helped to draft a local CTU affiliate statement on it) it creates a tripartite negotiation arrangement between labour, capital and the state so basically negotiation gives two votes to capital. When you couple that with the removal of the right to strike it’s going to create some serious issues for the working class to fight for its rights. That being said it is an imaginative way to establish conditions across whole industries when the union participation is something like 18% andd unions have fuck all resourcing. Wait and see game. But e hoa if you are in a union, you need to get involved to a)get this over the line and b)continue the fight to make it better if it is passed