• loathesome dongeater
    133 years ago

    Always great to see that BRI gets euroamerican imperialists quaking in their boots. BRI doesn’t get any mainstream coverage at all except for alleged debt traps. Yet another topic that media glosses over despite it bringing monumental change to international economics.

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      83 years ago

      I’m interested to see what kind of a shitshow the G7s “Build Back Better” will be.

      • loathesome dongeater
        73 years ago

        It will probably involve undercutting China’s deals a bunch of times then getting nothing done.

        • Muad'DibberOPA
          33 years ago

          Dunno, seems to be doing that nostalgic idealization thing you see US presidents do: “make america great again”, “it’s morning again in america”, etc. All but the poorest Euro countries transitioned to finance capitalism a while ago, so they have to feign trying to “bring back” industry.

  • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
    83 years ago

    Why are the English speaking countries always at the front of the anti-China propaganda train?

    Couldn’t be lingering bitterness that the Empire never fully colonized and subsequently crippled China like they did with India, right? Hmm…

    • T34 [they/them]
      43 years ago

      Why are the English speaking countries always at the front of the anti-China propaganda train?

      My opinion? If Eurasia unites into one economic supercontinent, with fast railways delivering Chinese electronics and Russian/Iranian oil to Europe, then the US/UK become economic backwaters and their naval supremacy becomes less important. There is no way that the US remains a superpower in such a world.

    • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Reports from inside the room went further with claims of a sharp divide between the leaders over whether China should be called out explicitly. “The disagreements, aired during a session that at one point became so sensitive that all internet was shut off to the room, pitted European nations against the United States, Britain and Canada,” according to a CNN report on the meeting.

      Gee, I wonder what country shutting down the internet that title was trying to imply, though…