Hopefully this isn’t too far outside the scope of this community, it is piracy, just of a different kind.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
    63 years ago

    It’s been a dream of mine for the past like 3 or so years to build a metric fucktonne of battery-powered (and potentially solar-charged) dead-drop-y transmitters that transmit a 6-hour loop of communist music and propaganda. But that’s a massive undertaking, too big for my depression and ADD to do. So, if anyone reading this wants to redistribute my idea, please do. hardly anyone I know listens to the radio in their car anymore, and sure as shit doesn’t just sit around a radio in their spare time either (sometimes I miss those days). So IDK how effective it would be. But, a communist mirror of Radio Free would be a hilarious thing to fight against anti-communist propaganda with.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
      53 years ago

      So, like, the idea would be to hide the transmitters around an urban area. Completely accepting that they might die or get damaged, and that they belong to the detritus of urban life as soon as they’re in place. Then never ever go back to check on them, out of fear of being caught. For the maximum chance of the signal being found, they should be tuned close to the popular stations near where they’re placed. I assume they wouldn’t have a very big broadcasting radius, which is why you’d wanna place lots of them around. Though, I have no idea how they’d be put into sync with each other. Maybe an internal clock that can be set to begin the broadcast after x number of seconds, the planter would then decide on a time for the broadcast to begin, figure out how many seconds there are between when they plant the transmitter and when the broadcast begins, then set the clock. But, I’m tech illiterate, so idunno.