Created a Community on Reddit (/r/putonghuaxuexi/) to help people improve their Chinese pronunciation with the 普通话学习 APP. The app is great, and people should really check it out.

The APP has been updated quite a bit since I made that subreddit and resources to create an account. If there is enough of an interest on here I’ll update the guide.

Direct download link to the latest version (9.8.3). Click the “普通下载” button twice to download the APK.

The subreddit has material on how to create an account, or here is a guide for version 9.4.7, together with the (now somewhat outdated) APK.

  • Soviet SnakeM
    32 years ago

    Phishy as fuck, if it is not open source providing a .apk is super dangerous.

    • @WeylandOP
      22 years ago

      Your standards are Utopian.

      • Soviet SnakeM
        52 years ago

        I mean, provide a link to a store that has some sort of control over what’s uploaded, Google Store is not perfect but at least it gives you some sense of security, I don’t know if this wap.pp is a Chinese software store or not, though.

        • @WeylandOP
          2 years ago

          It’s Alibaba’s AppStore. Also, Chinese apps like these aren’t available on the Google Store.

    • @WeylandOP
      2 years ago

      普通话学习, the subreddit has info on how to create an account. Edited the post’s description wit more info.