• Iraq
  • Syria
  • maybe Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Somalia
  • Yemen
  • Palestine(I know they are not directly involved, but they support it, so I count it).

Did I miss any?

  • KiG V2
    182 years ago

    Tbh if you count Palestine because they support it, by that logic you might as well count 90%+ of any country undergoing some form of a war at this point

    • @Godless_Nematode@lemmy.ml
      92 years ago

      Yemen for sure if you count places where US ordinance is raining down from the sky. US planes dropping US bombs by a US trained Saudi pilot. You don’t need to Kevin Bacon that connection.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987OP
      42 years ago

      Well, they support it and finance Isn’t real, so I decided to count it, but they re not involved and don’t bomb directly. And yes, every war in Asia and Africa and coups and blockades in South and Central America.

      • KiG V2
        82 years ago

        Yep, these fuckers paint the world red and have gotten incredibly good at making sure they are a few steps removed so they can brag about how peaceful they are and how evil and vicious the rest of the world is.

        • KiG V2
          62 years ago

          (paint the world red in a bad way not a based way)

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    122 years ago

    From what I understand (I could be wrong, double-check me if you want) you missed Uganda, Cameroon, and Pakistan. I’m sure there are others that just lack reporting, too.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer A
        122 years ago

        They’re helping with “stability” in Uganda, which includes military action.