• @lil_tank
    212 years ago
    • form or join the vanguard party
    • share weapons, skills and ressources
    • train for guerilla with a group
    • repair not replace
    • support strikes with armed struggle
    • overthrow the dictatorship of the bourgeoise and build the dictatorship of the proletariat
    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      52 years ago

      And finally, purge the reactionaries and liberals who will work tirelessly to undermine the revolution

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    152 years ago

    That last bit is impossible in most of the imperial core, reaching socialism by reform is not possible, and its been proven time and time again that at best you can get concessions, which will be taken away at the soonest opportunity.

    • @knfrmity
      62 years ago

      I don’t interpret the last frame as promoting reform of capitalist systems via voting, as you rightly point out that isn’t possible.

      I think it refers to the more direct and powerful democracy the people enjoy in a dictatorship of the proletariat. Democratic government and economy needs to exist under socialism and communism. It does however look very different to bourgeois liberal “democracy.”