Documentary by RT about Ratko Mladic and the Bosnian War released in 2011 (when Mladic was extradited to the Hague Tribunal). I think it presents a perspective on the issue rarely seen, even among communists and antiimperialists. Highly recommend.

The link of the post is part 1, this is part 2:

For those who dont know, Ratko Mladic was the commander in chief of the Bosnian Serbs (Army of Republika Srpska) during the Bosnian Civil War in 1992-1995. The Hague Tribunal set up by the UN found him guilty (along with many other serb leaders of the 90s like Radovan Karadzic and Slobodan Milosevic) of genocide and crimes against humanity, mainly against bosnian muslims. However, some MLs and leftists, like Michael Parenti, have disputed the veracity of these claims. Parenti specifically claimed that these accusations were invented by the west to manufacture consent for the subsequent NATO invasions of Bosnia (in 1995) and Serbia and Montenegro (in 1999).