I have set an icon for this community. Please tell me what you think, or if you have any icons you think would be better.

  • @gun@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    The transparent background can sometimes lead to low contrast. But transparency is cool. Someone with graphic design experience would understand how to choose colors better to make the transparency work with contrast against different backgrounds.

  • @Landrin201@lemmy.ml
    110 months ago

    I like it! I’m late to the party though, this post is pretty old.

    Question for the mods here: Is it possible to make the word “Politics” on the sidebar into a link which takes you back to the main page of the community? Maybe this is a noob thing, but I kind of automatically want to click the icon and the name of the community- frankly, the way you would on reddit- to go from the comments of a post back to the main post feed of the community. I know the link is right below them, but it’s a muscle memory thing, you know? And I know I’ll get used to it, but for newer users (especially considering how many are coming from Reddit right now, myself included) it would make the transition easier.