Just took them years of pseudoscience, fascist and conspiracy pandering and him telling people concerned about abortion to shut the fuck up and work.

Still funny watching them scratch their heads at “what happened to him”.

  • loathesome dongeater
    132 years ago

    What happened to my favourite chud grifter :(

    He is not in touch with the working class anymore :(

    • @KommandoGZDOP
      92 years ago

      I-I just don’t understand. How could this have happened? :(

      There were never any signs, it just all happened so suddenly and at random :(

  • @the_ilyich_ulyanov
    102 years ago

    lol it’s hilarious that they didn’t notice this already, Joe Rogan has always been right wing guy. He supported Alex Jones for years, and believed in a shit ton of conspiracy theories but he used to seem more like a centrist to appeal to as many people as possible in his podcast. He platformed guys like Ben Shapiro for years, but I guess COVID finally exposed his true personality

  • AdvancedAktion
    2 years ago

    This fucker is admired by libs in my country. “He is an unbiased person. Freedom of speech blah blah should hear both sides.” He is a fucking sponge that is soaking in toxic mess. Any good ideas that is spotlighted in that show is mixed with toxic wastes and rendered useless. That unique platform he is wielding does nothing for its listeners nor to the society.

    • Bury The Right
      2 years ago

      But-but he interviewed Bernie once!!! Therefore he listens to all sides and is totally not right wing!!! /s

    • @Pieroginator
      2 years ago

      Even the edgy libs are starting to reject him, but only because he talks mean :(

      EDIT: Although to be fair I think alot of the audience is there for the funny drug stories, I haven’t watched much of him so I might be wrong.

  • @Mzuark
    72 years ago

    Joe Rogan is a bigoted bastard that routinely peddles right wing nonsense and mocks anyone who doesn’t agree with him. That he has the audacity to tell people complaining to “shut up and work” says it all: He doesn’t think of people and problems that don’t affect him personally.