The comments are what you expect. All agree that we’re psychopaths who support genocide and just want authority as a goal in itself. All agree we do no leftist praxis, I guess just based on vibes. One user wrote:

let’s be honest, they should be removed from society

which is cool. One-on-one, online or in person, I’m pretty patient with people like this, but when I see a whole thread like this with hundreds of upvotes and no pushback it makes me feel tired. link in case any of you have alts and want to wade in:

The democracy thread she commented in right before posting this:

  • toomanyjoints69
    11 months ago

    What do you want? What do you have? If you cant get what you want, then focus on something you actually can do instead of beating your head against the wall. Instead of talking to a liberal on lemmy talk to a homeless person or something.