Did your school ever do mock elections? We had students go through the entire Canadian parliamentary system, platforms based on current events, debates, followed by the entire school voting. And at the end they were just “Well here’s the results, cool huh? Well, that’s that.”

Little did I know how realistic that last part actually was.

  • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    262 years ago

    We had a very realistic election in 11th grade.

    There was one candidate, picked by the principal.

    And voting was mandatory, because “even though there’s only one candidate, we still have to learn about the democratic™ system.”

    Anyway, I wrote in “I can also not vote, y’know”

      • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
        2 years ago

        I mean those were pretty much all the elections in high school besides 11th grade. The principal handpicked a couple of approved candidates, and we had to choose one of them.

        Also, he dissolved the student council when they started questioning him about how much money he spent on the PA system, and where exactly that money went.

        We had to sit through a two hour lecture about how questioning the school’s expenditures is bad.

    • @lil_tank
      142 years ago

      This is what libs think elections in AES countries are like

    • @Rafael_Luisi
      112 years ago

      Its like that meme of obama giving an prize to himself lol.

  • @gun@lemmy.ml
    92 years ago

    I was never too interested in it, but one year someone wrote my name down on the sign up list to run for class representative. I don’t even know who it was, but someone nominated me lol. So I figured if someone wanted me to be the representative then I would do it. But that was the year for some reason they decided to scrap the whole class rep thing before the election even happened. Amazing.