We’ve already surpassed the deaths of the earthquake in Morocco, in Afghanistan, and perhaps even the second deadliest dam failure in history, in Lybia.
Israel doesn’t have anything to gain by continuing their bombing, whether they stop now or continue they’ll still be hated for stealing the land, and will still be a target for Hamas. How can they continue to receive sympathy from the west after these senseless murders with no other objective than killing innocent civilians ?

  • OrnluWolfjarl
    1 year ago

    The dead babies fabrication should tell you when it’ll stop.

    Israel felt the need to invent a story about 40 dead, beheaded, mutilated and burned babies, and then propagate it to everyone in the world. Why? To pre-emptively elicit sympathy over the genocide they are about to embark on. They are preparing to unleash 300 000 non-professional soldiers (reservists) upon Gaza, who have been filled for a week now with tales of Hamas “attrocities” and ideas about Palestinians being animals.

    What will follow will make the Warsaw Ghetto cleansing, following the order to deport the Jews to the death camps, look like a kindergarten field trip.