• Camarada ForteA
    173 years ago

    “As a descendant of a fascist state supporter, I support a fascist state”

    • @pimentoOP
      123 years ago

      “No you see, Israel can do no wrong because jews were victims of the holocaust, and for that reason we can never criticize them, but must support them at all cost”. Thats how these people think, but for some reason they dont apply the same logic to the communists who were murdered by nazis.

    • @CriticalResist8A
      143 years ago

      Also I like how communism wants to take away private property (and did), but at the same time the “Jewish banking elite” would fund it. You are definitely an enlightened individual.

        • @CriticalResist8A
          53 years ago

          Same old Judeo-Bolshevik conspiracy theories. Unfortunately we can’t see removed comments in the modlog any more :(