I understand that this is similar to Google Summer of Code, and it seems like people from all countries can participate.

  • TeaBeast
    13 years ago

    Students: design a privacy/free speech tool CCP: WAIT, THAT’S ILLEGAL! (kudos to all punks in CCP-controlled territories finding new workarounds for surveilance and censorship)

    • @nutomic@lemmy.mlOP
      73 years ago

      Which tool are you talking about that got banned? Also, what does it have to do with this thread?

      • soronixa
        43 years ago

        According to this Wikipedia article, Tor and some VPN services are blocked using deep packet inspection.

        • @nutomic@lemmy.mlOP
          43 years ago

          Dis you even read the linked section? It says that some VPNs are blocked, but the Wikipedia article itself describes how to use VPN and Tor from China. Not a word about them being legally banned as you initially claimed.

          Anyway this is completely off topic, so stop spreading these baseless rumors.

          • soronixa
            13 years ago

            Sorry I think there’s a misunderstanding, I’m not @TeaBeast . I didn’t claim it’s illegal to use them, @TeaBeast did. But yes I read the article, and it says they block some VPNs and that Tor is blocked partially. I didn’t say they can’t be used, just that it’s blocked. To be honest though, I expected much more to be banned, I had heard about this ‘Great Firewall’ for years and thought Chinese people have no way of circumvending it, but the article shows that it’s not the case. Still pretty bad since they censor the internet, but what I had heard before was really exaggerated.

            • @nutomic@lemmy.mlOP
              3 years ago

              Sorry my bad, I didnt pay attention to the usernames. Yes from what my friends told me, its really common for people in China to use VPN, particularly if they want to use blocked sites like facebook or twitter.

              • soronixa
                23 years ago

                No problem. Yeah, the main problem I can think of is when people use a random free VPN and their data gets in the hands of some shady advertising company or something.