• Muad'DibberA
    462 years ago

    Socdems showing yet again how incredibly harmful imperial chauvinism is. All they care about is getting more healthcare and social services off the backs of the world’s poor.

  • I used to watch his stuff when I was vaguely socialist, but looking back on it, this kind of “criticize US domestic policies but repeat government propaganda uncritically” content has probably slowed down or even stopped the potential radicalization of many of his viewers

  • AgreeableLandscape☭
    2 years ago

    My personal rule: If you don’t put your thesis in your title, you’re trying to get attention and most likely your video will not be worth watching.

    • AgreeableLandscape☭
      2 years ago

      And for “content creators” or “influencers” who don’t know what a thesis is, because it wouldn’t at all surprise me: it’s that thing your language teacher made you learn in high school, which you probably didn’t pay attention to in class. It’s usually one sentence, maybe two, that states the point that you’re trying to make, with the rest of your content being explanation or justification of your point. So, it’s the technical word for a TL;DR or TL;DW. The comment above this one can be thought of as a thesis, especially if it was attached to a larger post explaining and justifying it.

  • stalinsghost☭
    172 years ago

    its frustrating i really like them and i half heartedly want to think they just cant outright come out and say anything about the uiyghur muslim thing being fabricated without getting their videos removed and channel banned

    • @ComradeDrav
      92 years ago

      Dude was literally advocating voting for Biden during the election.

  • @MLchavito_Del_Ocho
    2 years ago

    I knew I wasn’t the only one who saw this lol. I watched the whole thing, he has an ounce of nuance for every pound of bullshit which is more than I can say for most lefttube socdem types. Mfs be like “free Tibet” and haven’t even read the cia documents about the Dalai lama holding dictatorial power….

  • @bobs_guns
    42 years ago

    It’s a very frustrating watch but on the spectacle side of things did you guys see how he chugged the whole glass of vegetable goop like a champ? Incredible.