• @ChasingGlowies
    102 years ago

    This fool also said NATO should go global and arm Taiwan like it armed Ukraine.

    Not only will her pointless statements cause diplomatic retaliation but the delusion on display is amazing. NATO despite having 20 times the military budget of Russia hasn’t been able to turn around its proxy war against a force that stands for under 10% of Russia’s military strength.

  • @Godless_Nematode@lemmy.ml
    102 years ago

    Where can one find these global rules to live by? What universal governing body wrote them? I assume every country had input into their creation?

  • @mauveOkra
    92 years ago

    Let’s see her point to China on a map

  • @Mzuark
    92 years ago

    Rise? Do people not understand that China is almost completely equal to America at this point? Yeah, it happened while we were spending 30 years dicking around in the middle east.