A sobering vid. I rather like his concept of “cessation of participation”. I constantly wonder what it will take to see a mass reorientation of mentalities. Will it be the first Blue Ocean Event that convinces Westerners that our way of life is killing the world?

Or do we have to lose every city from Sacramento to Olympia to a 24 hour wildfire first? Whatever it takes, I just know we won’t move until overt tragedy lands on us.

  • Water Bowl Slime
    92 years ago

    Imo it’s wrong to think that workers are complacent. Since the pandemic started, there has been a huge resurgence in workplace strikes and unionization not to mention the largest protest movement in US history (idk what it was like in Canada though).

    Right now workers are mostly organizing on a local scale, but if we can expand into support for a proper communist party, then I think we can really get somewhere!