I might get flame for this but. Social credit system might be a way for us to get rid of money and achieve a classless, money less society. People can work hard and get a good social credit score. With a good social credit score, the benefit will be free housing, free healthcare and free food, water and electricity… etc. If you have a low social credit score, you can always improve by being a better person and contribute.

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
    2 years ago

    Nope, thats overstepping by a fuckton, and could be too easily manipulated. It would create another sort of class division most likely. This just sounds like another money exchange. You do work for points and use it to get items. Not in a communist way either, just direct money exchange. we can easily do without it.

    • @specialistdevicet34OP
      12 years ago

      Wait, what I mean is that the credit is not being control by individual but the government, vanguard party, would that work?

      • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
        32 years ago

        Vanguard party I would trust with quite a lot, but this could be taken advantage of by reactionaries and revisionists. To this extent, I would not trust a people’s party with this amount of authority. Its a good Idea, but I would prefer either different methods that are less widespread, or this in a very very far future (even then probably no). We can have other less surveillance state sort of ways to advance to communism. I would be fine with them testing it and using it in special cases, but you can see my hesitance to adopt an actual social credit system.

  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    92 years ago

    I think the establishment and enforcement of socialist values by the standing government would have the desired results you want without the potential for corrupt oversight issues.

  • KiG V2
    82 years ago

    I will say that basic necessities should be provided for in an ideal society (keyword ideal) for even the worst people imaginable. I would imagine social credit better being used to warrant things like luxuries, things that use up greater amounts of resources, the ability of the individual to wield power over society such as positions which demand a high level of trust and responsibility, etc.

    I will also say that to me at face value this sounds a lot like money as it already exists, albeit perhaps non-accumulable to the degree we see capitalists hoarding wealth (which is important) and non-transactable (ditto, except perhaps in a soft way such as a person with high credit endorsing someone or something).

    Definitely not a money expert though.

  • @Houston
    62 years ago

    One of the main goals of socialism is increase in general well-being and ensuring comprehensive development for ALL members of society. Not sure if i formulated this correctly in english but you get the the idea. Social credit system is a tool, it can be used for good or bad, but it should not be the goal.