Hey I would try wayland with hikari but I don’t really understand how work wayland, void_Doc is light , I also find this but is for weston…

I have installed wayland + hikari + seatd

  • @fruechtchen@lemmy.ml
    23 years ago


    my understanding from wayland is that for instance sway and hikari are very similar. And remembering my installation process of sway on fedora, it was mostly installing dependencies for the graphics driver, installing sway and running literally sway from the terminal. I also wanted to try seatd but found

    if [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ]; then
        exec sway

    in my .bashrc to be sufficient. Wanted to share that since i didn’t knew that and it helps in debugging because it is easier. For seatd, i imagine it is similara to using gdm for instance. And i assume you can also start seatd manually when you are logged in a tty. When that works and you can start hikaru with that, you can figure out how to automatically start seatd on boot.

    also i found the arch linux wiki to be very helpful on fedora and basically every distro i used before. they also have a wiki entry for wayland. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wayland

    Also you won’t need anything from the weston link you have given.