• Leia_Round
    2 years ago

    I’m weirded out by it, but not surprised.

    Once Biden got elected half the country’s voters went to sleep again, and the other half are just contrarian reactionaries. Liberal Democrats decided Trumps one year of mismanagement was 100% the reason Biden couldn’t get it under control. Despite there being more deaths and a vaccine available under the Biden Regime. Despite increasing case loads and deaths, there were no lockdowns, they began rolling back worker protections, the CDC began backtracking heavily on their recommendations. They basically said “There’s no Federal response” where as Trump said “It’s the responsibility of individual states” Democrats of course were only outraged by one of those statements, and it wasn’t the guy who campaigned on having a federal response to Covid.

    Democrats basically proved that the Lockdowns and mandates were politically motivated. Republicans are just going to be contrarian. So despite the fact they should theoretically love Bidens response, they’re just removed about the double standard Democrats are displaying. Which yeah, I mean they’re not wrong, they’re just right for the wrong reasons. Like the lockdowns were harmful to the working class, but the government should’ve done more to alleviate the damage done, not ignore the problem altogether, which is what Republicans wanted.

    Due to capitalist interest in wanting to exploit the “Global South’s” inability to research their own vaccine, Biden didn’t remove patent’s for mRNA Vaccine technology. Which would’ve allowed many of the countries where variants are developing from being able to manufacture the vaccine themselves. And that was the last hope of defeating this rapidly mutating virus. But alas, the US and EU fucking blow.

    Humans are pretty adaptable and have a short memory of horrible experiences, it’s sorta hardwired in our brains. And yeah, eventually we were going to “Go back to normal” like we did during the 1918 pandemic, and much like that one, a war is distracting most Americans from anything related to it. It’s a fucking farce. Unfortunately I’m immunosuppressed, so even if I choose to wear a mask, the fact no one, not even the supposedly informed “Liberals” are doing the same is basically null. I don’t blame people for just giving up when the government that campaigned on a solid response gave up within the first year.