• Camarada ForteA
    2 years ago

    I mean, I can see the point of GenZedong being preserved to organize the weekly meetings, which are awesome resources for us to engage critically with current events, or even propose itself as a community and space of political education.

    But to publish memes, we have !memes@lemmygrad.ml and !fullcommunism@lemmygrad.ml for tankier memes, etc. We should explore and develop all Lemmygrad communities! 💪💪💪

    Of course, the community is free to develop itself however it wishes

    • @savoy
      102 years ago

      Exactly, there’s an entire instance available for organized posting! That alone is already miles ahead of a platform like Reddit. It’d be sad to see other communities ignored while everyone posts here

      • @Mushroom
        102 years ago

        It’s to be expected due to the GZD situation but hopefully this subcommunity(? not sure what to call it) eventually ceases to be the one and only base of posting as more users discover other subs.

  • @CaptCalhounA
    122 years ago

    Come on users!!! Join and talk on other communities!!! Make the place grow!!!