• @linkert@lemmy.ml
    73 years ago

    Liberapay is cool - wish they had the ability to take a monthly clump sum from me and divvy it out equally to the various projects I want to support rather than pledging specific amounts to specific projects.

    • @fidibus@lemmy.161.social
      43 years ago

      They were doing that three years ago, but then their payment processing partner canceled their contract or something like that

        • @linkert@lemmy.ml
          43 years ago

          Oh, I haven’t been an avid medium reader for a long time. I remember they had an odd login process where you did not get to choose a password - instead you entered your email and got a “login-email” which littered your precious inbox. Can’t remember there being a limit to how much you could read before nagging about account creation - if so, then yeah kind of sucky.

          • @fidibus@lemmy.161.social
            33 years ago

            Also I have to add: I don’t care that much, liberapay is awesome still, I just wonder why they don’t host their own blog, they have lots of infrastructure anyways, right?