I love lemmy, however because it is young it doesn’t have a lot of users. This leads to many communities becoming dormant. I want to talk about stuff besides linux and privacy, so I say we should bring some content from outside. I want to post stuff to !pixelart@lemmy.ml and !catsareliquid@lemmy.ml and am thinking about making communities about Amphibia and Infinity Train. I encourge you guys to do the same.

    • 10_0
      63 years ago

      i agree, and people will make there own origanal stuff on the sublemmies aswell

  • @federico3@lemmy.ml
    23 years ago

    Lemmy should really provide ways to automatically ingest RSS feeds to bootstrap the user community.

    • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
      53 years ago

      We dont have time to implement something like that directly in Lemmy, but its easy enough to write a bot using the API.

    • @MadestMadness@lemmy.ml
      33 years ago

      I’m kinda inclined to disagree on the basis that it’d be interesting to see how Lemmy conventions and behavior manifest naturally. Lemmy doesn’t necessarily have to be like anything before it, even if it’s similar

      • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
        33 years ago

        That’s up to every instance/community to decide. I agree that’s a very good policy for lemmy.ml, but rather disagree it’s a good policy for lemmy software. Personally, i believe interop between ActivityPub, webmention, matrix and XMPP is key to the decentralized ecosystem taking off… but i don’t think it’s the responsibility of a specific of software to interop with every other federated networks, but rather a network-wide responsibility.

      • @jelbana@lemmy.ml
        33 years ago

        Agreed, we shouldn’t seek to port content, but to share our own interests and have our own natural discussions.

    • @someone@lemmy.mlOP
      23 years ago

      That’s not a very good idea. Sharing posts by hand is much better as that way you can filter out the bad, low effort, karma farming posts.

      • @federico3@lemmy.ml
        23 years ago

        This is what voting is for, and it’s already in place. Let the users chose to join a community that ingests feeds if they want to do so. It’s their choice.

  • acidwash jeans
    23 years ago

    I just started watching Infinity Train! I like it a lot – though I’m not sure what there will be to contribute on that, since the show’s about over, right?

    • @someone@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      The creator pitched 8 seasons (because infinity symbol), we got 3 seasons and 4th one is on the way. So no :D