• Muad'DibberA
    112 years ago

    Someone smarter than me is gonna know who said this quote, but its something along the lines of: “If there were a war between the US and Satan, I would fight alongside Satan.”

  • @Rafael_Luisi
    112 years ago

    As a communist, i may be an atheist, but dont fool yourself, i have the strongest faith on earth, bigger then even the most devote Pope. Because to someone who wants to help building the fairest of all societys, where world wide union has been achieved, where everyone is equal to each other, where everyone has the chance of being happy, this someone needs to have an faith of steel, because this is trully the holiyest and hardest of all tasks. The people are my god and i am their most loyal servant.

    • NFT screenshotterOP
      112 years ago

      The people are my god and i am their most loyal servant

      hell yeah

  • @heylapanhosamwen
    102 years ago

    I’m a member of the facebook group where this meme originated (Comments from Christian Pages on Pictures of Theologians), glad it’s had so much reach.