One idea I have is completely overhauling how we approach crime like giving criminals a reason to take the way out of crime.

  • comrade-bear
    1 year ago

    Another factor to be considered is the proper knowledge of the gun owner about gun handling, like Switzerland has, if I’m not mistaken nearly 100% of the population owning guns on the account of their obligatory military service for 2 years for men and 1 year for women and at the end of it they take and rifle with them, so the proper training with the gun is likely a factor. That being said in the US I don’t see any short term solution other than stricter gun control,for there is a weird gun culture there that makes people fetishise their guns so much that they wanna create an opportunity to use them

      • comrade-bear
        1 year ago

        That’d be true if the people owning guns were ones that stood against the state, but if you look at the history of the US you’ll see that even where there was a more lax gun control the people who used it to stand against oppression like the black panthers where denied the right to own guns, so as I see the right to bear arms on the US is mostly used by people who echo the oppression of the capitalist system, and mass shooters, that’s where I stand from, being an outside observer from another country, so I might be missing a lot, but as I see the most oppressed are still the most killed by guns be them on the hands of citizen or policmen

          • comrade-bear
            1 year ago

            That’s what I said short term, I do thunk that an armed workforce would be a great boon but first of all the cost of weapons does block considerably the access of the workforce and what I see is not weapons going to the worker is the regular citizen becoming a parallel army in the reserve, with the current culture of the USA I think better gun control would save many lives, there is an argument to be made that once it gets restricted it wouldnt turn back and that I can see but right now with the popular revolution a seemingly far into the horizon it might not be a bad move to restrict weapons