• @uthredii@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    I am getting tired of this meme. It is basically complaint about people talking about world events unless they are “experts”.

    We should look to experts for our sources of information but it is a bit shirt to mock normal people for talking about the world around them imo

    • SalamanderOP
      12 years ago

      I am sorry that you interpret this meme as either a complaint or mockery towards others. I can see why that interpretation would not be funny. I interpret the meme to be about becoming obsessed with current topics of importance. I found it funny because I identify very strongly with the guy!

      • @uthredii@lemmy.ml
        02 years ago

        Lol, yeah no hard feelings, it can be annoying when people talk about things they know nothing about too

  • @morrowind@lemmy.ml
    02 years ago

    I’ll have you know I have a phd in the history of the USSR and a masters in geopolitics as well as several years of experience as a Russian foreign diplomat. You think this is a joke?

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    -42 years ago

    Yeah I saw too many pro NATO Reddit bots come out of the woodwork yesterday and ratio down facts and even call people.Kremlin/Russian shills, here, at Lemmy. Russia invaded Ukraine in their heads, and they spoke like experts on the matter without any evidence.