I like to use Tor for everything except streaming videos. But I have it setup with a few add-ons to make it a more pleasant browsing experience. I know it increases fingerprintability, so I wanted to know in case you use Tor browser on a regular basis, do you use any extensions? Do you feel the trade-off in privacy is worth it?

  • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    When i run Tails, yes, because it comes with an ad blocker. Otherwise i don’t use extensions usually.

    But if you run in Safest mode (without JS) the attack/fingerprinting surface from remote sites is very small so if you’re strict about no-JS policy then running extensions in Tor Browser is very fine.

  • Arthur Besse
    22 years ago

    Using extensions is usually detectable by websites, which means that it puts you in a different “anonymity set” than people using an unmodified default tor browser.

    I use ublock origin, because it’s great and also because (last time i checked, at least…) it is installed in tor browser in Tails. So, hopefully tor browser with ublock origin is still a pretty decent-sized set of people.

    • Arthur Besse
      2 years ago

      I wouldn’t say that. It can reduce tor’s effectiveness at preventing a site from knowing that your two visits at different times were actually the same person, but that isn’t the only point of its existence.

      Even if you made your browser totally unique, eg by changing your user agent to a unique string, Tor browser would still prevent websites from determining your physical location (assuming that they couldn’t observe your network traffic entering the tor network and correlate it).

      (So would a VPN, but, then you would have a single point that knows your current IP and every IP you communicate with.)