• T34 [they/them]
    23 years ago

    The Samir Amin article he links is also really good:

    Under the circumstances, agreeing to the general principle of competition for agricultural products and foodstuffs, as imposed by WTO, means accepting the elimination of billions of noncompetitive producers within the short historic time of a few decades. What will become of these billions of humans beings, the majority of whom are already poor among the poor, who feed themselves with great difficulty. In fifty years’ time, industrial development, even in the fanciful hypothesis of a continued growth rate of 7 percent annually, could not absorb even one-third of this reserve.

    Europe dealt with its “agrarian question” by shipping its displaced agrarian workers off to genocidal white settler states, and by slowly absorbing them into an industrial capitalism that was still very labor-intensive at the time. Neither of these options is available to the billions of paupers that capitalism is creating. This is the agrarian question today, and the capitalists don’t even attempt to answer it.