Nothing but a ventpost. I’ve been touching grass and really doing heavy org shit within the empire for a while now and while some comrades are incredible and synthesize theory + human empathy perfectly, others seem to just grandstand as these “scientific beings” that really are just emotionally bankrupt and care zero about anything but “resolving the next contradiction” which is just fucking ridiculous and cult-like.

The world isn’t so simple to view things in just this framework and to think that ML-ism will give us all the answers is not only stupid but anti-ML. I am struggling heavy at this point and I beg all of you who are organized to be reasonable and kind to your fellow humans. We aren’t just comrades, we are friends, and if you find yourself becoming robotic or forgetting that, you’re not a “consolidated communist” you’re just fucking traumatized and lacking emotional availability.

I’m going to be taking a break from org work for a few months because of this and some other mental problems, but not before dealing with weird comments about individualism and disappointment and some serious reservations about continuing as a real life communist period.

Eat me up in the comments about how I’m a liberal, or let me know your thoughts otherwise.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987
    12 hours ago

    I literally cannot function anymore without analyzing and dissecting almost everything I see or hear about in Marxist perspective, I cannot hear about any politician or person into that stuff without immediately looking into his/her entire history with anything to do with politics. I cannot enjoy media or random shit on TV without overanalyzing it or getting mad if it has even the slightest bit of liberalism or yankee propaganda, not to mention shitting on almost every country which isn’t communist in every possible way unless it’s an ally of AES.

    tl;dr are we stupid?