I own this book (I wish I didn’t) but I was thinking of doing a sort of analysis of it, with sticky notes on everything I feel like commenting on, on each page. Perhaps I could even write a paper. I can do it once I have a good lot of sticky notes. Is this a good idea to waste my time with?

  • Muad'DibberMA
    44 years ago

    Piketty right? I haven’t read it, but I heard it was pretty much watered down Marxism. Might have some good stuff in there tho.

    • @KarloviousOP
      44 years ago

      Yep. He explicity critiques Marx multiple times trying to find a solution to the problem, saying that Karl is radical or something. He just comes to the conclusion of taxes. I read it months ago, I cannot remember too well. I do remember there being some good nuggets, yet I cannot remember what they said.