• CCCP Enjoyer
    3 months ago

    The “Ukrainian land” you’re referring to has people on it. Largely ethnic Russian people. People which had their government couped by the US and replaced with Banderites. People which are being politically persecuted, called “orcs”, imprisoned, tortured, and subject to terrorist and militarily attacks by Ukranian nazis for the reason of their ethnicity and being suspected of communist sympathies. People who themselves decided not to leave their homes like the Banderites wanted, but assert autonomy and self governance. People who are having their cars, homes, markets and hospitals bombed and shelled by the puppet regime in Kiev. People who have had no one come to their aid but Russia. Western media mostly ignored what has been going on, and since 2022 have throw it down the memory hole.

    What happens to those people if Russia stops without regard for their security? Those people (both ethnic Russian and ethnic Ukrainians living there) are considered “traitors” by the nazis in the Kiev regime and will be shot. The genocide will resume. If they fight back it will be more war.

    Also consider the end result. The whole purpose of this proxy war was over Ukraine being able to join NATO, which was the only real stipulation of the Istanbul Agreement: No proxy war and no NATO putting long-range weapons on the border. If the Kiev regime “wins”, that means NATO membership which will further militarize and saturate the country (which is already under martial law run by an unelected fascist dictator) with weapons pointed at Russia. It means US-controlled nuclear missile sites in Ukraine with only one target in mind. It means Ukraine become locked into another US-backed proxy war in the very near future that could end all life on earth.

    There is no benefit to the Ukrainian people if the US “wins” and NATO takes over, just more escalation and death.

    The very best outcome of this is total capitulation and arrest of the current Kiev regime. Total de-nazification. New elections are held. And the US/NATO loses all interest in Ukraine as a strategic asset to use against Russia. But Russia is setting a very low threshold for a negotiated peace here, and it needs to be taken seriously and diplomatically.

    You’re welcome to keep downvoting me, but if you really do care about peace (and I believe you do), ask yourself why you believe the US isn’t lying you into this war, when they’ve lied you into every single other war in the last 100 years. Also please watch that video I linked if you haven’t.