• soumerd_retardataire
    4 months ago

    Palestinians could have killed the hostages before being killed, but didn’t. There’s still more than a hundred and they’re still being taken care of.
    It’s my personal belief that unfair(, because they could have negociated a ceasefire, and i don’t see us supporting a killing of hundreds of israelis in order to liberate palestinian prisoners/hostages, which is arguably what happened the 7th of October since they asked for an exchange of prisoners as if it was their only goal,) massacres like this happened many times in the Middle-East(, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, …,) but we’ve never heard of them, not sure why it’s different now. It’s certain that many massacres in south Asia were hidden, african and south-american dictators were also covered as long as they fought communists/utopians.
    I’m not going to excuse myself for eternally regretting that they weren’t united, and being banned for that would be one of my proudest accomplishment, lies are fucking everywhere, i’ll never trust what we’re being told about designated enemies, people dying for God and calling for a more virtuous life can’t possibly be the opposite of what they’re preaching, they’re all dead now anyway(, 🇦🇫).

      • soumerd_retardataire
        4 months ago

        An outdated flag of Afghanistan, here’s the current one, which says : “I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

        I’m naturally opposed to their sexual apartheid denying girls the right of education(, they can still read though, and don’t have to work), but they’ve been among the 20 poorest countries for decades, and i can only dream about their honesty towards God’s research/worship/enlightenment/direction/…
        I’d need to live among them before ever hoping to understand/judge them adequately, and they can become many great things(, if worthy and که خدای کول evidently/rationally/logically/mystically/really/… ), it wouldn’t have been the same with a country as wealthy as Iraq.
        But i don’t know the future, perhaps was it for the best, probably not, i’m an outsider and shouldn’t talk about what i don’t know, it feels like they were right. People dying while shouting/affirming God’s eternal Greatness/Glory/… makes me shiver, it’s perhaps even sadder than thinking about the millions/billions of non-humans currently mistreated, at an industrial scale larger than any human tragedy(, i would hate to have their life, but fortunately they’re only machines without the aptitude to suffer i guess, and they don’t know that they could expect more, we had a duty/power/responsability, we could do more and care for their well-being, invent new ways of making their lives as enjoyable as possible, instead of aiming for a lower selling price, &).
        Let’s say that we’re gradually evolving towards less evil and that i’m misrepresenting the virtues of the past(, they did many mistakes but wars were less murderous, people were trying, nobles wrote better than nowadays, non-humans were less objectified, etc., the colonization&‘many genocides’ as well as the most awful form/scale of slavery came afterwards or at the end of this period, but i know it was far from being a blue sky, just that nowadays is so artificial/dishonest, i.d.k., i’m probably wrong,), if so then i hope we’ll continue to progress and soon stop with thefts, lies, …, and live united in diversity finally learning that hegemony isn’t a desirable goal, nor is it necessary. There’s so much to do and also quite a lot of paths to be afraid in front of us, stopping the possibility of wars/conflicts is probably less than 10% of the problems we’re facing.
