If I want a pistol, I want it to be a Luger; or at the very least, look/operate like one. So much cool looking than your typical glocks. But alas. 😔

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    11 months ago

    If I had this gun, I would chill in an expensive hotel room in the dark smoking a cigarette until someone enters the door, then I turn on the lights, take a drag from my cigarette and say “I’ve been waiting for you. You’re not an easy man to find, Mr Bond but I’m not an easy man to hide from. gestures with Luger Please, sit, sit. We have much to discuss” then I get betrayed by my assistant who falls for the Anglo and my masterplan is ruined with only 00:7 seconds left on the comically large bomb that kills all of Earth so I would otherwise have been able to fuck space aliens in peace. The last words I hear are a shitty one-liner about how I’m “the bomb .com” before he tosses me in the bomb pit and shuts down my evil website.