• @ImOnADiet
    911 months ago

    Another complaint: To my understanding the reason that physics engines have stalled is because that they are heavily CPU reliant and CPUs have a whole are not improving nearly as fast as in the past (death of Moore’s law and all that), where as GPUs haven’t faced quite the same level as slowdown until the last couple generations. CPUs might also be the problem with rendering thousands of enemies like he’s suggesting I’m not really sure. Someone more educated than me please tell me if I’m completely off base with this assessment

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      511 months ago

      CPUs might also be the problem with rendering thousands of enemies like he’s suggesting I’m not really sure.

      I remember reading about it when Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 came out, developers were saying that it was specifically huge problem for the first part but they managed to resolve it for the second one. Total War also kinda resolved that, but every other game i can think of sure going for reduced numbers.