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  • Nocheztli ☭
    111 months ago

    I had the intention of doing exactly that a couple of months ago while I was trying to use Please and the Quotable API. It was all going well until I realized I had no idea what I was doing and know nothing of Python and JavaScript.

    • @CannotSleep420
      111 months ago

      Maybe I could help? I imagine the hardest part is going to be collecting and organizing the quotes. I can’t imagine the API would anything super crazy. Maybe an endpoint for a random quote and an endpoint for all quotes (maybe throw some query params on them for sorting and filtering).

      Each quote will have at least the quote itself and an author. Depending on how fancy you want to get, you might add a source and a year on there as well. I can’t see the model being very complicated regardless: each quote would be an object with properties that are just strings or ints. I think you could reasonably get away with using just one database table. Hell, at that point SQL would be overkill and a document DB like mongo or Cassandra would probably be easier to use.