• Muad'DibberA
    271 year ago

    Indeed, the millions of dedicated communists in the PRC eliminating poverty should stop and ask themselves, “Am I being social imperialist? What would r/communism think?”

    • @Aria
      -101 year ago

      They should though, regularly. Blind faith is how liberals operate.

      • Muad'DibberA
        1 year ago

        Seriously tho, the PRC is treading their own path to communism, already learned the lessons of the dangers of ultraleftism, and don’t need to be educated by western maoists on that topic. If anything, the westerners should be doing more listening and learning from SWCC, and less talking.

        • @CannotSleep420
          81 year ago

          I have an mp4 of this saved and I can’t post it 😔

          • @OCRBotB
            71 year ago

            Image 1 text “l am sorry to announce that the US, bastion of Communism, & —.have decided China is not socialist enough. In order to fix this, we will seek guidance from the white western ultra left who n h understand our conditions nor ha e y ex erience in producing ccessful revolution.” -XiJinping (in Vaus etdream)

            This action was performed by a bot.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            21 year ago

            Play with the contrast and preprocess related settings to get better output

      • @frippa@lemmy.mlOP
        161 year ago

        self-crit is a big thing in the CPC from the times of Mao, maoists dont even know their beloved

        • @Aria
          -41 year ago

          So you agree

          • @Munrock
            161 year ago

            “Self-crit” and “caring what people on r/communism think” are two very different things.

            They’re only related in that the former is needed wherever the latter occurs.