• ComradeSalad
    6 months ago

    I have no idea where you got any of this information. I really recommend you read more about the crisis, almost nothing you said was true.

    What? What police officer? The only person attempting to “negotiate” and was shot was a deranged civilian woman who the terrorists thought was an FSB agent and illegally crossed the police line by herself.

    They had accepted several negotiation parties over the course of the four days and expressed multiple times that they didn’t want to kill the hostages, they didn’t want to fight the FSB and GRU and that they were scared. They also immediately released hundreds of people who needed medical attention, were pregnant, were children, or were foreign without any demands and without prompting. They let the audience make phone calls and speak with loved ones, pray, use a designated bathroom area, speak with the news, and walk around the theater.

    Where did you read that they refused negotiations? Their first demand was to speak to a Duma member, FSB officer, and Red Cross representatives as a negotiation party, for which they were willing to release hostages. The party arrived, negotiations were held, and the agreed hostages were released. There were negotiations on every day of the siege.


    Russian authorities held talks with the hostage takers. The hostage-takers demanded to talk with Iosif Kobzon, a parliament member and singer who has performed songs lauding Chechnya, and with International Red Cross representatives. Four people, including a man waving some white fabric like a flag, entered the building about 1:20pm Shortly thereafter, a man in his 60s, appearing feeble and distraught left the theatre. The Interfax news agency identified him as a British citizen, but did not provide details. A woman and three children, believed to be Russians, were let out a few minutes later.

    as previously mentioned they also said that if government representatives were sent to negotiate that they would release more hostages. Which they did,multiple times*.

    They would have absolutely surrendered if the negotiations continued. There was absolutely no need to launch a moronic raid that killed 132 people when the terrorists had only killed 3 people. Great return on investment right?

    Do you really think the extraordinarily stupid plan was necessary? The terrorists were armed with gas masks, all the gas did was blind them while killing the audience members.