I’ll start first: at the height of reddit going absolutely mad and frothing at the mouth I heard r/genzedong mentioned a lot as this evil evil tankie place, so I checked it out. Was a bit overly china fanboy-ish for my taste back then but alright overall and leagues more civil than people on other subs. So I started lurking over there to preserve my sanity until it basically became my most frequently viewed sub. I’ve kinda warmed up to the whole idea of socialism during my stay. And then it got quarantined. I’ve heard of lemmygrad even before the quarantine, so I switched to this place instead. As of this moment, lemmygrad remains my primary source of news and entertainment where I dont have to risk running into some flavour of wehraboo.

  • @Leninismydad
    1 year ago

    My grandfather was a veteran of the War of Liberation, my mom was raised a leftist and raised me one, my dad comes from a nationalist family with some leftist tendencies.

    I joined her a couple years ago because I liked the idea of a free and fair social media platform for Marxists and Marxist adjacent folks to meet and talk and meme and such. Then when reddit went on that 6 months leftist ban festival, I shifted over to here for all my online English political discourse.