My god i cant find anything unless i type out an exact name of the video, recommendations under currently watched videos and just in general are the same no matter what. It feels like a lottery when you hope that youtube will bless you with content that you were searching for. Im aware that im ranting but i just cant with it anymore. All they had to do is just leave things how they were and not gut an algorithm that worked just fine before. I recently used bilibili and the contrast is painful. Like WHAT??? A related but not seen before video/thumbnail??? Under a video of the same nature??? What a brilliant idea!!!

  • @Aria
    181 year ago

    The search only showing like 4 results and the rest being recommendations is new behaviour right? I feel like it wasn’t like that like two weeks ago

    • @DeHuq2OP
      101 year ago

      Ive noticed it a while ago, dont know exactly when, but more than two weeks

      • @redtea
        61 year ago

        Six months, at least, I think, but I wouldn’t rule out yet another recent change.

    • @redtea
      71 year ago

      It’s infuriating when the actual search results are useless, too.