I haven’t watched their videos in ages, the format isn’t my favourite. But I still follow them on Twitter and that’s when I saw this! I’ll mark as NSFW because of the grooming comment.

    • @cfgaussian
      1 year ago

      We are going to see more disparaging accusations and mudslinging leveled at anyone who dares challenge the war propaganda as the imperial decline progresses and the desperation sets in. They will try to discredit anti-imperialists with whatever spurious claims they can cook up. They will try to divide the anti-war left and have us turn against each other, taking out first and foremost those who are the most effective at advocating for the anti-imperialist position, those who pose the biggest danger to the mainstream propaganda narrative’s mission of getting the people on board for a world war with China and/or Russia.

      And yes they will use ostensibly “leftist” even “Marxist” groups or individuals to do this. Cointelpro has never stopped operating, and now it is ramping up again.

      • @cayde6ml
        51 year ago

        I agree that COINTELPRO is definitely still operating and that we should be reluctant to believe any outrageous claims against Marxists, but I think unfortunately in this case Medhurst really is a pedophile. The background pictures of his room line up with photos from the texts he sent.

      • @Franfran2424
        51 year ago

        Richard did fuck up there tho. texting a 17yo some suggestive language is not really good, and getting angry at a 15yo for not wanting to listen to you complaining on your mental health issues is bad.

    • @Franfran2424
      51 year ago

      From what I remember yes it was.

      Edit: https://medium.com/@precious_sheen_dog_960/richard-medhurst-another-cog-in-the-pedo-to-political-journalist-pipeline-17e6af3be867

      A girl was 17, and he was 25, so a bit more fishy since he was apparently using suggestive language, but it seemed an exageration to me at the time.

      The thing is he was also mentally ill af at the time and talking with a 15yo he considered a friend for moral support (bad idea??), then getting angry that the 15yo didnt support him and had her own problems.

      Some people mixed up the 17yo girl with the 15yo one, and use “abussive messages” to muddy the waters.