People are posting wiki articles with non existent “sources” as proof the soviets were going to join the axis and helped the Nazis.

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    451 year ago

    Seeing the Soviet and US soldiers celebrating together makes me sad, in another world we could have all been comrades…

    • @redtea
      331 year ago

      That’s probably why the US went so hard during the cold war. They had to disrupt any notion of solidarity whatsoever.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        251 year ago

        This is pretty much why Cold War anti-communist rhetoric reaches down to citizens through controlled media, to instill a sense of paralysis against revolutionary critical thought and action.

        • @redtea
          201 year ago

          Just imagine how far the ruling class would get if westerners had been allowed to see Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans, Syrians, Palestinians, Russians, and even Ukrainians as fully human and as fundamentally peaceful as anyone else. Not very far at all, I’d wager.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            161 year ago

            The fundamental contradictions remain almost untouched in superimperialist capitalism. When your core is rotten, you can either work against core (impossible) or become one with the core. It would only have delayed the inevitable, with an even worse problem of literally dried pulp equivalent Middle East, Russia and other countries.

            • @redtea
              1 year ago

              I see that but if they had been allowed, material conditions would have been different…

              Edit: just to clarify this because it might seem that I was doubling down, which was not my intention. I meant that for westerners to have been taught and allowed to humanise people they have been taught to other, it would mean that the material conditions were already changed. I did not mean that material conditions would have changed just because e.g. westerners were allowed to develop their own views without those views being influenced by propaganda., you’re extremely right to point out that westerners simply thinking differently would not alter the contradictions that lead capitalists into endless wars.

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker
                91 year ago

                We should be glad Russia and China kept themselves away from western global trend.

    • JucheBot1988
      141 year ago

      A world where we’d be shitposting American flags and pictures of William Z. Foster