I’ve been having some rather awkward feelings about the Lemmygrad community and have lurked for a while but I have decided to do something interesting for now. What if the United States had finally undergone a successful socialist revolution through general revolution and civil war for socialist cause. What would it look like? A federal republic or something different?

  • relay
    111 year ago

    As always, depends on the material conditions. What kind of socialist party seizes the government? What tools did they use to get the masses on their side? There will be aftereffects countering reactionaries everywhere. I’d hope some sort of cultural revolution would occur as well to purge the imperialist, racist, misogynist views from the mainstream and focus on materially helping everyone regardless of how different they are.

    We’ll never know the full outcome till it is built. Incorporating everyone’s ideas of a better tomorrow for a more sustainable future for our posterity. A federation of some sort, regardless seems like a good idea just because of how large the landmass is.

    I personally have a vision of how to go about implementing this, but speaking about it publicly is dangerous because then feds can mimic it and use it as a means to prevent revolution.

    The important thing is what we want to promote and what the world is like when we succeed. We won’t need to build anymore prizons because so many already exist lol! focusing on reforming people and building people to be workers in a society that everyone can contribute to (as they are able) and everyone can benefit from.

    If you want to hear about utopian ideas that could be implemented with current technology, i’d listen to Srsly wrong as a podcast (I like their vision of library socialism), but acknowledge the thesis of the world that is, then the antithesis of the world we want, and our praxis will manifest the synthesis of the world that emerges. Our goal is not to build things perfectly, but build them better and seize power from those that maintain capitalism, and also keep power from going back to the capitalists and recationaries.

    • @ComradeChris101OP
      111 year ago

      Thanks for the tip, tbh. I kind of think the same. If America is to change it must die and be rebuilt, one of my favorite interpretations of this was the Atlverse II’s United Commonwealth of Continental States (UCCS) which is the USSR but in North America and had an interesting take. I really liked its flag and so on.

      • relay
        91 year ago

        If you have your vision, I’d ask you to build a strong mind that doesn’t worry about what it can’t control. Start a book club so that you have people to help you and broaden your understanding of your local community. Make sure that you can verify that your decisions are benefiting the workers. While the workers may be reactionary in many ways they always have a dialectical relationship with their direct experience of working. Propaganda works best to shape one’s understanding of what is most away from oneself, not what is closest to oneself.

        • @ComradeChris101OP
          81 year ago

          I honestly wish I could take the commitment to helping spread avocation for Socialist Revolution but I just don’t have the strength and self-esteem, perhaps in the future.

      • JoeMarx 193
        61 year ago

        I dreamt up of a similar country called the Federation of Wolfstaat (think East Germany + USSR on steroids) for a fantasy setting.