• @knfrmity
    121 year ago

    Seriously, like how much of Linux (and “free” software more broadly) development is funded by the US military-intelligence-surveillance industrial complex? Red Hat/IBM for one is all up in that. You know, the IBM that supplied the Nazis with their census taking machines and the Red Hat that’s hard at work optimizing software for Predator drones.

    And I can’t even tell you how many open-source/free/“Libre” apps and devs have UA flags all over their websites. Look at the version names of Notepad++.

    “Free” software is no cure to the hegemon when the hegemon makes and breaks what’s allowed to be “free.”

    • @dxpvanishing
      71 year ago

      Look at the version names of Notepad++.



      Stand with Ukraine, Boycott Beijing 2022, Stand with Hong Kong, Free Uyghur, Gilet Jaune (the only non-cringe one), Je Suis Charlie, and Tiananmen June Fourth Incident

      And this is just from the current version down to version 6.6.4.

    • @Shrike502
      41 year ago

      Precisely. And I am very much unsure what will shake this grasp