The US military is pissed. Zionists are pissed. A US service member just burned himself alive as a martyr for the cause of the Palestinian people, and pro-Israel reactionaries cannot cope with that fact that a US soldier, someone who is supposed to represent the power of the regime and its ideology would go to such lengths to protest the genocide committed by them. They’re blaming echo chambers and anarchism, and trying their best to make it seem like his actions were somehow illogical. Zionist media is even claiming his actions were comparable to a suicide bombing.

I never thought I would see a soldier of the regime go to such lengths to defend the masses of another nation. However it seems this man came to understand imperialism and the evils of the United States while serving in the military. In a way, he did one of the logical things that someone can do when they realize they exist in a way that advances imperialism and human suffering, which is to self-destruct. This man is a comrade, despite what his uniform may have said. Some people may take issue with the fact that he was a soldier for the US, but this seems stubborn. Wouldn’t you want more soldiers to do what this man did? Or something even half as good? If rogue US military soldiers defend Palestine, why would we go against that? In fact, we should encourage more service members to go rogue so the people of this country can have a formation that actually defends their freedom.

All over the web, people are telling this hero to rest in power. The gods will certainly reward someone who sacrificed everything and was willing to physically burn to death for the people of Palestine. This was almost like self-crucifying. We will most likely hear slander and smear campaigns from the propagandists of the regime soon trying to discredit his actions just as did for George Floyd or any person who became a symbol of resistance. However the masses and our comrades cannot be fooled so easily by bourgeois media. The day of judgment will come for the zionists, and they will be made to pay for their crimes.

From the river to the sea!

  • DankZedong A
    7 months ago

    Of course. Setting yourself on fire ultimately hurts you. At best other people, especially inside the military, see his action and start to think for themselves.

    But it is so highly LARP behavior to constantly shit on him for doing this. The guy set himself on fire, in front of the Israeli embassy, and died. He saw something wrong, realized he is actively on the wrong side of history and decided to take action. Unfortunately for him, this was what he came up with. An act of pure desperation. ‘He should have sabotaged something! He should have done this, he should have done that!’. Sure. The same can be said about people attending protests doing nothing more than holding signs. For people organizing community kitchens for Palestine. For people asking donations in the street. But let’s not turn all Reddit MCU brain because nothing short of singlehandedly Rambo’ing your way through the IDF HQ will be enough then.