Just showing off my desktop. For those curious, I use the XFCE desktop, and ULauncher tied to the windows key. I’m also experimenting with animated wallpapers using hidimari.

  • Arsen6331 ☭
    81 year ago

    I use an Arch setup that I’ve tuned to my liking over a couple years and now install that on all of my computers. Here is a screenshot (Don’t worry about the IP at the top. If someone wants to DoS me, they can go ahead and try):

    Screenshot of my Linux desktop

    I’m using SpectrWM as my WM, Polybar for the top bar, Kitty for the terminal, and Lapce for the code editor. The wallpaper is one of the 2018 iPad Pro wallpapers that I really like.

    • @mrshll1001
      31 year ago

      Ooh that’s nice. SpectrWM is a new one for me, might go and research it!

      • Arsen6331 ☭
        31 year ago

        I tried a bunch of WMs, including i3, awesome, xmonad, dwm, etc. and found that the only one I really enjoyed using is SpectrWM. It’s an incredibly simple WM that doesn’t have many features, but it’s also really fast and acts exactly the way I expect it to every time.

        Now that I’m free of the Nvidia proprietary driver, I was thinking of switching to Wayland, but I don’t know if any Wayland WM can replace SpectrWM for me. I want to try out River and see how well that works.

    • 小莱卡
      31 year ago

      really nice, what color scheme are you using?

      • Arsen6331 ☭
        21 year ago

        The terminal is using a slightly modified Solarized Dark color scheme with picom handling the background blur. The code editor is using the Ayu Dark color scheme.

    • @lxvi
      31 year ago

      How do you make the ASCII logo show up

      • Arsen6331 ☭
        31 year ago

        The one next to the system info in the terminal? That’s neofetch.