新 年 快 乐 2023 🧧🐇🎇🍎❤️

  • GreatRedEast
    41 year ago

    If we’re going by how many characters are frequently used according to the website (7000), then I’d say you’d have to learn (take this with a grain of salt, I’m not an expert lol):

    1. 2000
    2. 2500
    3. 3000
    4. 3500
    5. … (adding 500 until 7000)

    (Or you can go with the list that you put out, but ultimately, go at your own pace consistently so you can keep learning without burning out or quitting)

    For me, I learn at least 10-15 characters per week (still learning, since as an Amerikan, I have to learn while living day-to-day speaking English, so I have to keep up), so that adds up to about 40-60 a month and 520-780 a year (good numbers to strive for).

    Tbf, I don’t think there is a “correct” number to characters to learn daily, but maybe like 2-3 is a good start.

    Hope this helps :)

    • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
      31 year ago

      Thank you very much Comrade 😄❤️👍🏼 I don’t have words on how to thank you . Me thanking you is not enough for the good and basic explanation ever read in my entire life 🤣 if more people where like you really . the world will be a better and wonderful place ☺️🤝🏼 שלום עליכם ❤️