Shalom Comrades and Mods of . how are you all ? . I hope all of you are having a good day , evening or night ( depending where you live in the west or the east ) i have one question to ask to you mods of , how to join in on ? . What to do first .

1 . Login or create account ? ( Those are the two things that says when doing the process to join in into )

And when i go first to create account it says the following :

“ To combat brigrading, we have restricted user registration on this instance. Please write a short description containing:

Why you would like to join?

What left tendency would you call yourself? ( Marxist / Marxist-Leninist, etc)

What is your understanding of gender? Should Marxists support the LGBT community?

What communities you would most like to participate in, and

How or why you chose the username you did.”

And when i go to login it says the following :

“ email/gmail or username " .

  1. When i finished doing all of the above then what is the second thing to do ?

( and to clarify here . i din’t do any account yet or signed in yet either so that is why i am saying to you the mods or the comrades of the community of what is first thing to do and what is next when everything of the process is all over )

I hope to be answered . Shalom Comrades ❤️

  • @panic
    31 year ago

    To be atoned is to be forgiven.

    And to clarify when i say “השם ‎‎/ אלוהים” i mean it in a metaphorical way not literally 😅

    Are you telling me you don’t literally mean “the name” or that you’re not super religious? Either way it’s fine, both are very personal things.

    • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
      1 year ago
      1. I am a ethnic non religious יהודי ספרדי ( obviously i will greet everyone with shalom aleikhom but to the Comrades who i really love and admire a lot with my heart ❤️ and it’s part of my culture too . Sometimes i speak Ladino language with some Comrades who can speak Spanish language and they say to me it’s that is very similar to Spanish but with a lot of west asian loanwords in it like for example here :

      Ladino is a language derived from medieval Spanish, with influences from such languages as Aragonese, Astur-Leonese, Galician-Portuguese, and Mozarabic. Ladino also has vocabulary from Ottoman Turkish, Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic, Italian, Greek, Bulgarian Serbo-Croatian. It is variously known as Judaeo-Spanish, Espanyol (Español), Judío, Judesmo, Sefardí and Haketia/Haquetía, Spanyolit or Ladino (לאדינו).)

      1. Yes i am very sorry from the bottom of my own ❤️