• ⚧️TheConquestOfBed♀️
    1 year ago

    Hunter gatherers had better health than most agrarian people, based on studies of bones at least. Once farming kicked off the average person was smaller, weaker, and on average had a shorter lifespan. That said, plentiful food and recent health reforms in the west and China have brought the average person back up to that pre-agrarian level in terms of health outcomes. Modern hunter gatherers also tend to have a rich culture and history that they prefer to ours, and many groups report widespread psychological stress when adapting to industrial society.

      • ⚧️TheConquestOfBed♀️
        61 year ago

        Diet, actually. The average hunter gatherer spends about 4hrs per day on finding food/labor. But it only works in environments where the local human footprint is low enough.

        • JoeMarx 193
          11 year ago

          I imagine it was more healthy than modern diets from what I can see.

          • @redtea
            1 year ago

            Just the lack of processed ingredients, and abundant salt, sugar, and fat is going to make a huge difference. Not to mention whatever harm we suffer from the chemicals they put in our food. And microplastics.

            Then beyond food. Living without everything being contaminated with lead and asbestos can’t be bad.

            I’m not nostalgic for a primitive life. But industrial environmental degradation has been disastrous for health, even if it coincided with modern medicine (great for those who can get it).

            Edit: typo.

            • JoeMarx 193
              11 year ago

              SO that’s why we have Dreamsexuals.