Welcome Comrades to the last post of Juche 111. Sit down, make your self at home and have your favorate caffinated beverage, just please clean your mug when you are done with it I do not want to be spending all week doing the dishes. Enjoy in out time honored tradition of the weekly discussion thread! I look forward to seeing you all in Juche 112.

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  • ☭ 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗘𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 ☭MA
    1 year ago

    I can think of three scenarios where we avoid global nuclear war:

    • Amerika accepts that it can no longer be the global hegemon and doesn’t fire nuclear weapons; highly unlikely in my estimation
    • the people in charge of firing Amerika’s nuclear weapons decide not to because they have some sliver of common sense; hopefully a bit more feasible
    • some country in the anti-imperialist bloc (e.g. China) manages to prevent Amerika’s nuclear weapons from being fired and/or detonated; no clue if this is possible
    • @Lemmy_Mouse
      101 year ago

      Russia’s hypersonic missiles and new splice missile system can hit America. America’s missile defense system cannot stop these missiles from landing and in the case they are somehow able to, the splice system has accounted for that, they won’t be able to stop enough of them. Right now Russia has the capability of preemptively destroying the US outright without it having a chance to retaliate much if at all in response. I wouldn’t worry too much about a nuclear war, it would be more like a nuclear battle and then a very quick surrender by the rest of NATO.

      The real question is what would that kind of detonation do to the environment? Modern nuclear weapons minimize fallout to maximize impact so there is a possibility Earth may not be screwed in this case, however this is a question for professional and non-hysterical scientists to answer. (So not the ones on Reddit)

    • @Shrike502
      91 year ago

      some country in the anti-imperialist bloc (e.g. China) manages to prevent Amerika’s nuclear weapons from being fired and/or detonated; no clue if this is possible

      Pretty sure that is impossible. China’s been working on some kinda algorithms for intercepting missiles, I think, but there’s just too many shit out there. Not to mentioned automated systems in other countries that would detect a launch and call for a retalitory strike.

        • @Shrike502
          121 year ago

          Folks in my org ssay revolutionary optimism is important, but I just find it hard, given the absurd odds

          • I’m mainly hoping that the people who are actually able to fire the missiles (I assume it’s a few people in the Pentagon) find some shred of human decency and refuse orders if it comes to that

            • @Shrike502
              91 year ago

              The same people who tortured civilains for fun at Abu Gharib?

                • @redtea
                  51 year ago

                  I fear the latter is our most likely chance of being saved from nuclear annihilation. If it comes to that.

      • @cayde6ml
        41 year ago

        What countries? I know Russia has a Dead Hand system

        • @Shrike502
          51 year ago

          Britain has that with submarines. India and Pakistan might as well. France, Israel.